
He knoweth the way that I take - Job 23:10

July 28, 2013

But he knoweth the way that I take: when he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold. Job 23:10

Our pastor this Sunday preached a really good sermon on this very verse. I love this verse... to me, it is such an encouragement to know that God knows the way that I take. He is in perfect control of every situation. 
Just a few of the points that were brought across in the message were; 
1) God knows all that enters our lives. There is nothing that He does not know. {Pastor tied this into the story of Job by saying that even though Job didn't understand why he had to go though what he went through at the time, God still had a purpose in it. And God knew exactly what his situation was.} (Romans 8:28)
2) God is faithful. Even when we aren't faithful to Him, He is still faithful to us. (sorry I missed the scripture references for this one)
3) God knows our trials, whether they be big or small. He cares about all that comes into our lives. (Psalm 31:7)
4) He will get us through. "My grace is sufficient for you," God says (2 Corinthians 12:9) (1 Corinthians 10:13)
He knoweth the way that you take. Psalm 139:1-6 

I know this is an unusually long post for me... usually I post the wallpapers and don't say much, but this week I just felt led to share this. Hope you find this verse an encouragement to you this week! 
God bless you! 
Hannah :)

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  1. Thank you so much for sharing about how God knows...those points from the message were a big encouragement to me! Thank you too for the new wall paper! :o)
    What a blessing to know that whatever we go though, God knows all about it and there is a purpose!! Thank you again! :)

    Your sister in Christ,

    1. So glad you were encouraged Tiana :)
      Thanks for your comment, it was a blessing to me

  2. Hi Hannah! I just found out about your blog and I think it's great what you're doing. You're super talented! I live on a bus with my family and we travel around the U.S., Canada and into some third world countries singing a genre called Southern Gospel. If you want to look us up our web-site is allenministries.com or you can look up the Allen Family on YouTube or ITunes. My sister Gabrielle also has a really cool blog that you can find at IsaacsRebekah.blogspot.com. Anyway, just wanted to let you know I appreciate what you're doing. It's so refreshing seeing other people using their talents for The Lord. Thanks again! -Abby Allen

    1. Hi Abby! Thank you so much for your comment... You don't know how much it encourages me! :) What your family is doing travelling around and singing sounds awesome! It's just great the you can use your talents to glorify God in song :) God bless! -Hannah


I love to hear feedback about the wallpapers on this blog, and I hope they are a blessing to you. Feel free to leave a comment, though please just remember to keep your words God-honouring :) Psalm 19:14 Thanks! :)

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